Brandy Gillmore, PhD. ~ TEDx Speaker ~ #1 Radical Results Healing Coach

The LIVE Class is Sold Out.

However, you're in luck!

 ...there is another available class opening with Brandy that you can get started on immediately!
Click here for details


OUR MINDS are incredible!! 

Yes! That includes YOU! We are all incredible beings!
Look at what our members have been able to achieve! (This and soo much more!)


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Simply Amazing".
"I can't say enough wonderful things about Brandy and her entire support team. She is the most giving, loving person and she's truthful when she says she wants to help others heal. I have witnessed first hand what her work can do to help others accomplish their goals. She helped my sister heal herself from having multiple autoimmune diagnoses and being bedridden for six or more years. Yes, she went back to her doctor afterwards and has been undiagnosed and is living the most fantastic life now! I am now also working with Brandy to manifest the changes I want for my life and I'm so excited. I KNOW THIS WORKS, I just have to do the work! For those that are feeling hopeless and scared I really really recommend at least starting with the video series. I am only through week one and am already feeling changes within myself and my perception of the world." - Meg S.  

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My shoulder has completely healed
''I was going to have surgery on my shoulder for a torn rotator cuff and a tear on my labrum. I had these tears for some time but the pain had become unbearable and the doctors said surgery was the only option. My pain level was a 10 and my left arm was basically useless. She talked to me about the power to heal with our thoughts. I believe in positive thinking but was very skeptical... Brandy suggested I try using the power of my thoughts to relieve the pain... Since implementing the process (which she taught me in a very short time) my shoulder has completely healed. I have been literally pain free and have full use of my arm. If on the occasion, I ever get pain somewhere else in my body I am able to work through a thought process and alleviate the pain by myself. It is truly amazing, empowering and life changing! ~ Theresa S., CA


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Brandy Is A Rare Find!

"She makes it her mission to over-deliver. And boy does she! I’ve been taking different classes with Brandy for many months now and have evolved in ways that were unimaginable at my pre-Brandy levels of self-awareness. My work with her has been transformative! She is such a gift!

– Erica

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Her job description could be “Growth, Healing, Love, and Miracle Facilitator”!!!

“I couldn’t agree more about how wonderful it is to witness Brandy’s process and see how the ripples of her work create powerful transformations on so many levels. I’ve always believed our bodies contain an inherent ability to self-heal, and Brandy has created a thorough and comprehensive system to identify, reframe, and shift whatever is blocking our own healing capacity. The fusion of her analytical mind with the channel and clarity of her expansive heart and spirit is truly unique and powerful."

– Jane M

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Working with Brandy has quite literally changed my life.

"Something I never thought I would be able to say. I feel hugely better than I have in years and have hope for the future for the first time in a very long time. You are such a gift and I am fall-on-my-knees grateful for the healing you have guided me toward. Love and love.”


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Now I’m drug-free and pain-free. 
“Brandy, in less than two weeks of working with you, I was pain free. The detox from all the narcotics was very hard, but now I’m drug-free and pain-free! The nerve numbness is also just a memory. I’m going to send someone special to you soon. But really, I wanted to be completely pain/drug free, and make music, and listen to my Angels give me divine guidance like never before, so that I could send you complete love and gracious thanks for your energy and “persistence” in seeing me into this new life. Words are not enough, but thank you, thank you, thank you!” – Daniel



⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I was supine for 6 years. I got my life back.
''...Where I was this time last year was so different. I was so sick. I had been supine for 6 years. I was in crazy pains and I had so many different allergies and things... But, I got my ENTIRE life back, all of it... I am walking and running and playing and travelling all over the country, doing fun things with my kids and being a mom...'' - Andrea


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I just really loved it!
''...My neck pain is gone. I feel so safe. I feel like, everything is gonna be good! I experienced it and I just really loved it'' - Henriette Novack


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I tried to express the intensity of this moment but words fail me.
“Listening to the power activator today, I had a huge release of energy! I can’t even describe it!!! Like time was folding on top of itself! I have so much excitement. Someday, I want to be like you. I can’t even express how grateful I am you came into my life. Your program is amazing and you just get it!! I tried to express the intensity of this moment but words fail me. It was just amazing, a moment I’ll never ever forget.” – Andrea J.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ After our first group call, I feel without pain.
“Today, after our first group call, I feel without pain. How amazing is this? I am on the journey to being confident, healthy and amazing thanks to you. Cannot wait til next session. Doing my homework. May you be blessed for what you are doing for all of us.” – Monique


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ At 73 years of age, I have energy and physical endurance to spare,
“When I first met with Brandy about one year ago, I was pretty healthy, but wanted to optimize, and wanted Brandy to do mostly energy work for me around emotional issues. Brandy not only zeroed in on emotional activity going on in me. Today, thanks to Brandy, I am amazingly much happier, more confident, and outgoing. At 73 years of age, I have energy and physical endurance to spare, AND…I lost 20 pounds, going from a size 10 to a size 4 without even intending that to happen. Life has new potential and meaning for me, and I’m not stopping here!''– Joanne Davis
Remember Zhena? Her doctor canceled her surgery after she healed her own tumor using these exact methods (and there are others below).

From this POWERFUL 60 second VIDEO you can SEE:

  • Zhena is standing outside the hospital on the day she was scheduled to get a tumor removed from her throat. 
  • She worked with her mind to release energy blocks and old patterns and the next day could no longer feel the tumor.
  • Her doctor canceled the surgery. He said "I can't operate on something that's no longer there".
  • Zhena got back her $1,200 Copay!
Click here for details

100% Money Back Risk-Free Guarantee


You can sign up today and begin the course RISK-FREE. If you go through the course, follow the steps and use the techniques to create authentic change, you should be able to heal your body! Brandy has seen consistent results! However, nobody can ever provide you with a guarantee when it comes to your health. That would be against the United States law. So, the next best thing Brandy can do is offer you a guarantee on the course itself.

If you are skeptical or unsure if this is for you, Brandy wants to offer you a 7-day money-back guarantee.

Simply sign up now, follow through with the simple process that is outlined for you in the course, and if you are not completely 100% satisfied then just email us within the first 7-days and get your full money back. It’s that easy.